Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ladies' Luncheon- The First Lady That Is!

Here is picture of my new best friend. Not really but I did get within 5 feet of her and I do think she is pretty classy. We had such a great time in D.C. Thanks to Jackie, Jjana, and Pam for hosting such an extraordinary week. Here are some pictures to show you the big event!
Laura and the line-up of the Head Table. Our "aunt" Jackie Tancredo among them.
The hottest ladies arriving at the luncheon!
The lovely tables
My place setting.
Last but not least...the gift bags!


Unknown said...

You certainly were the hottest ladies, there. What a cute pic. I can't waaaait for my goodie bag. I likes me some swag!

jamieanne said...

I think Laura and I are BFF too.

Lorilee said...

You weren't kidding when you said the-- hottest ladies arriving at the luncheon. You are all so pretty and look so much alike.
Lunch with the first lady.... FANCY!