Saturday, February 17, 2007

A Double Whammy!!!

This photo, named Runaway Shopping Cart, accurately portrays the story of our bad luck. Our poor Audi. I was hit a couple months ago and we got the car back two weeks ago with a brand new hood, and grill. It looked and felt great. Three days ago there was a really strong wind in Boston. Corey dropped me off at the grocery store and waited in the car with little Max. When I came out I found a Corey with a sour expression, multiple equally spaced scratches on the hood & bumper of our car and a shopping cart turned upside down in an adjacent snow bank. The subject of Corey's frustration, and understandably so.

During my brief shopping trip, the high speed winds caught hold of an arrant shopping cart and sent it charging into our newly refinished bumper. Sadly, Corey saw the cart coming (as he was sitting, car running, in the front seat) and sped out of the car only to be restrained by his seat belt. Upon freeing himself from the said belt he raced towards the menacing cart and slipped on ice as the shopping cart rammed our car. After which the cart was sent sailing into a nearby snowbank (I wish I could have seen that).

The good news, if you are in the car with the car running in a parking lot it isn't considered a parked car and the grocer is liable! As I pulled into the body shop with the bumper and hood damaged for a second time they looked at me like "lady, you gotta be kiddin' me." The damage estimate for a runaway shopping cart- $700!


Lane said...

Um, hello. Britton wants to know why Provo isn't on your list of "Darling places" you've lived?

Why ya gotta diss P-town?

ali said...

Provo is on the list! It's even got a "not so darling" disclaimer, right Ash?

That poor Audi, though beautiful, is a magnet for unhappy accidents. I love the photo of the the "shopping carts" in the mist." Funny thing is, I just used one of those mini shopping carts at the grocery store and loved it so much I thought I might blog about it!

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of respect for Corey but imagining him frustrated and defeated after being held back by his seat belt trying to stop something he saw coming a mile away makes me laugh a little.

jamieanne said...

Poor Corey! Poor Ashley! Poor shopping cart. This is one for the record books.

Lane said...

Sorry, Provo is on the list. Are you ever going to post more pictures of Max?