Monday, March 10, 2008

Petting Zoo

A flurry of chubby hands ready for the petting- poor little flying squirrel!
So happy to pet the "mousie."
So sad when "mousie" went back to his box.
His inflatable pirate costume that caused some major static electricity.
The party goers as they watched the animals.

Last Saturday we had our Crimson Kids "Unbirthday Party." There was a face painter, balloon animal maker, and best of all the animal handler. The kids loved it! Max loved the animals a little too much. He cried every time they put an animal back in its carrying case. This was the last party that our class hosted. So sad the year has flown by, so happy to be done hosting!


Lane said...

It's been a while since he's visited "woof woof." He needed to get his fix.

angie said...

you have to read "Scaredy Squirrel" it is the cutest book about a flying squirrel!!

ali said...

All those kids with face paint. I can't handle the cuteness.