-Try to steal everyones' water bottle that the airline has handed out to "help pass the time."
-Untie the shoe of the English gentleman stranger next to you.
-Pull all items out of the diaper bag x10
-Drop your only sippy cup in the public bathroom stall and watch it roll behind the toilet.
-Stand in the middle of the concourse and yell in gibberish at all passers by.
-Approach nearly everyone at the gate.
-Leave your fingerprints on all glass surfaces.
-Wish your Dad was there to help your Mom.
Make sure everyone on flight 1282 knows your name.
Go around and around the column playing peek-a-boo!
Play near far in the middle of the concourse.
To your Mom's astonishment you could hold still for more than 2 seconds....until she realizes you are only still because you're working out 3 days of constipation!
Shine the floor with the blanky you sleep with!
Then lie down in that spot out of sheer exhaustion.
Watch intently as they unload all the bags from our aircraft.
Keep on the look out with the business dudes to see if our replacement air craft has arrived.
What a cute outfit you have on, Max. Love your shoes.
I forgot how seriously you take "your business." That face is classic.
We just left Kirk and Kendra's and we loved every second we got to see Corey. We wish you and Max could have come to visit:(
Corey was driving a blue Kia, the license plate holder read: My other car is a Enterprise rent a car!
Next car you guys get Corey it should definitely be a Kia! He looked great!
Great pics of Max. I laughed out loud at your commentary.
what a fun adventure, for max that is.
Wait...can Max say his own name?!? Or did he make the initial introduction and then you followed up with words they could actually understand?
chase has a blanket very similar to the one Max is shining the floor with - aren't delays the best with kids;)
The answer is no. Max cannot say his name. He can, however; create enough mischief that his Mom calls his name enough so that everyone in the vicinity learns it.
I stole the picture of Pilot Max for my facebook profile.
I say just be glad for the "lovey" even tho it did shine the floor...he is addicted to it!
This post made me laugh so hard. every photo seemed better than the previous, and what an ending! The question is, what does a mom of a 16-month old do for five hours? I have a feeling reading John Grisham was out...
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