Monday, October 29, 2007

You're Tagged

I was tagged by Lane and Stephanie a while back but have been MIA on the blogging scene so here is my return:

Jobs I've had (in no particular order):
-Berry Girl (selling raspberries by the side of the road)
-Interior Designer (hospitality) My boss was certifiably loco.
-Retail saleswoman- Bombay Company
-Bagel Girl- Rich's Bagels
-Interior Designer (corporate & health care).
-Janitorial services (not exactly by choice)
-Full time mom- never worked so hard

Jobs I'd like to have:
-Image consultant- to companies, not people
-Food critic
-Children's book illustrator
-Art dealer
-Boutique hotel owner
-University professor
-Author of travel books
-Professional kisser of Max's chubby cheeks (I have that long as those cheeks stay chubby).

Movies I have Watched Over and Over Again:
-Romeo & Juliet (Baz Luhrmann)
-Raising Arizona
-Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
-Disney's Robin Hood, ooh-da-lolly!
-Cinema Paradiso

Some Favorite Books from Last Few Years/Books I Open Over and Over
-Catcher and the Rye
-Between Parent and Child (thanks Karen)
-Pride and Prejudice
-Bridget Jones Diary (even better than the movie)
-Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
-Dandelion Wine

Favorite Things to Do:
-Drive around and check out different neighborhoods with Corey
-Watch America's Next Top Model. I love to hate on Tyra
-Play games with friends
-Poke around H&M
-Go to or have a dance party
-Watch Max sleep
-Steal Corey's pillow
-Travel or explore a new place
-Sleep in
-Take a dance class
-Put my cold feet on Corey

Places I have lived:
-Salt Lake City, Utah
-Royal Oak, Michigan
-Kalamazoo, Michigan
-London, England
-Sao Paulo, Brazil
-Provo, Utah
-North Shore, Hawaii
-New York, New York
-Austin, Texas
-Midland, Michigan
-Boston, Massachussetts

Favorite Things to Eat:
-Frozen, fruity treats, especially in the form of gelato (preferrably in Italy)
-Suco de maracuja (fresh passion fruit juice- not from concentrate)
-a cheese plate, shared with Corey
-Berries of almost any variety
-San Pellegrino limonata
-Delicious salads
-Lime anything
-Whipped cream, the real deal.
-Shaved ice
-Shish kabobs
-Mexican food
-Pam, Mary June, or Char food.
-Izzy Clementine soda

Places I'd rather be:
-Salvador, Brazil
-Sheridan, Wyoming
-Sienna, Italy
-Southern France
-Lauterbrunnen Valley, Switzerland
-my parents' back porch
-the Big Horn Mountains
-San Francisco
-Boston or New York in September
-Austin, Texas (all winter please)

Words I love the sound of:
-riger mortis

Who I am tagging:
-steph b.
-laura w.
-andrea h.


Sanders Family said...

I'd rather have you, Max, and Corey here in Austin all winter long too! If you need to get away from the extreme cold, you have a place to stay in Austin.

jamieanne said...

What is it about Tyra that makes you want to love/hate her at the same time? Love ANTM too.

This is some great stuff.

ali said...

This was surprisingly enlightening, considering I've known you for 27 years.

I loved reading your "jobs you'd rather have" (you would be fantastic at any of them, and I want to hear more about the images one...) and I never knew you watched ANTM. It's captivating in the worst possible way.

I'm all over this tag. I've been hoping someone would get me!

Lane said...

Yay! You did it! This was really fun to read because there are so many things I could've chosen but didn't. Like Robin Hood! How many times have we watched/quoted that movie?

You've hissed your last...Hiss!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting how the "Janitorial Services" job keeps popping up? And how you all loved it? I hope you never force anything like that on your kids!

Sarah Sedgwick Anderson said...

Today I flipped on The Tyra Banks Show, where they were talking about all things gyno and dropping female words you never hear on TV. Tyra was hugging a girl in stirrups, in the gyno office, as she was getting over her extreme fear of the gyn. I would have called you if it was on any longer.

ali said...

I fulfilled your wishes, dear.