Friday, February 2, 2007

Mrs. Clean

Some of you may have heard how I have waged war on the nastiness that is my bathroom. On-campus housing has its perks- the bathroom isn't one of them. I now have a new weapon in my battle. I guess when I say new, what I really should say is new to me.

I'm a little embarrassed to admit this but, I found an abandoned Mr. Clean Magic Reach sitting by the garbage in the entry to our parking garage. It hardly looked used at all so I took it home and cloroxed it. I didn't have the cleaning pads that you are supposed to purchase to use with it so I just used it with a clorox wipe (lemon scented) wrapped around it. Verdict: Awesome! I love the shape of it because I can get behind the toilet and in the corners. Our bathroom is tiny so the size and shape made it easy to use in the cramped, awkward areas.

I was so pleased I bought a package of the tub cleaners and the floor pads. I used them for the first time today. I really liked them both too. In my opinion these type of floor cleaners shouldn't replace a good mop or deep cleaning but are great for a surface touch up or to prolong the need for a deep clean. The tub pads have a small netting around them that I thought really helped break-up the scum and they got our tile walls nice and sudsy.

I hate cleaning the bathroom, especially my dingy little bathroom. I am happy with my new bathroom allies and thought you might benefit from my findings (literally).


ali said...

I don't really know what a Mr. Clean Magic Reach is, but I'm glad you're not above claiming other people's has-beens.

Perhaps you have sold me on the Magic Reach. Now all YOU need is Method's mint-and-eucalyptus tub and tile cleaner.

jamieanne said...

This is hysterical. I can't believe you took someones leftovers...used leftovers!
I have the clorox reach thing and it works pretty good too. But Mr. Clean is way hotter, so maybe I'll give him a try.
BTW, Ali you convinced me. The other day at KMart (gross), I bought the Method tub and tile cleaner. You're's amazing.

Ashley A. said...

Ali, we are going to Target tomorrow to checkout the new designer clothing line. I'll be sure to check out Method's mint-eucalyptus. Happy cleaning!

Ashley A. said...

I attached another picture of the magic reach for your viewing pleasure. This is in 'mop mode' but the handle pops off so you can use it as a scrub brush too. I'm telling you, its magic!

Lane said...

Wow. You have reached new levels of mom-ness with this entry. I'm mostly just jealous because I don't have my own bathroom, though. I share it with four people. Sigh.

Ashley A. said...

Lane, sounds like you could really use a magic reach!