Sunday, April 27, 2008

Losing Your Fizz

The two liter bottle of soda pop is the perfect combo for a flat drink. I hereby resolve to never buy them again unless it involves a party of some sort. Lately, I kind of feel like the two liter; I'm losing my fizz. My sister even said those exact words, "ya, I can see how you're you're kind of losing your fizz." Yep, I am. Well put J.

Anyhoo- I guess that is just a bubbly way of saying I'm not being my best self lately. Perhaps my self perception is awry but I see myself as one who can shrug things off pretty easily. Recently though, I am letting things get to me. I'm not sure why but a heaping dose of major life changes isn't helping.

What is a girl without her fizz, her raison d' etre, her fire?! Boring, so I hereby resolve not to lose my fizz. I plan to do this by following this strict plan:
1. Spend time with family (very much looking forward to it).
2. Let true friends know I think they are solid peeps.
3. Spend more money than I should on a dream vacation to China.
4. Be more confident in my abilities.
5. When feeling discouraged, think of Max, and know I have done something right.
6. Plan more outings and things that buoy my spirits.
7. Snuggle Corey and talk about how we really have a good thing.

and of course go to church, pray, and read scripture. Long live fizzy drinks!


Ann Marie said...

Love this post. Inspired me to step it up as well.

Dansie Family said...

i'm with you on the fizz. sometimes being "just" a mom makes me lose my fizz, but i should look at my kids and think of what good i created with them. thanks for reminding me.

ali said...

But, you're the fizz-iest. And you're the stalwart one. A great combo, unlike the 2-liter.

You have more good sense and creativity in your pinky than most have in all five fingers, at least. Plus, I think you're a solid peep. With a good sense of humor and fun. Can't wait to see you so soon! Seriously. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

a boring human once told me; less fizz less gas.

just so you're aware, there might be some side-effects to more fizz.

Ashley A. said...

Ha ha! Thanks for the warning. Sounds like you speak from experience.

Lane said...

Ashley, you are like a caramel coke with TWO shots of caramel! You have the fizz AND the flava'.

Anyone who can't see that must have the personality of a flat Sprite. I think those are great strategies--the longer I'm far from old friends and family the more I appreciate them. I loved this post.

ps. If you squeeze the two-liter so the air gets forced out, the two-liter stays fizzy longer :)

Sean and Laura said...

No losing your fizz Ashely. We love you!!!

jamieanne said...

The first line made me laugh my head off.

You ARE the stalwart one, and if you de-fizz then that means I'm really in bad shape. And Ali and Lane are even worse off :)

Stephanie said...

I hear ya. I feel like I'm losing my fizz sometimes too. Time to re-align priorities for me. Hang in there. It could have something to do with the winter and coming back from a great vacation!