Tuesday, April 8, 2008


All of the residents of my building had a party in the courtyard this morning at 3:00 am. Every single habitant was there, out of doors, in their jammies. All, that is, but one. What powerful force could draw every man, woman and child outdoors at such an hour? The smoke alarm.

The single soul left in my building was found by the firemen. He had been out partying all night and arrived home in the wee hours of the morn with a hankering for pizza. After popping a frozen pizza in the oven at roughly 2:15 am, he passed out from alcohol consumption. He and the remains of his pizza were found by the firemen that dragged his sorry trash out of the apartment. Luckily, there was no fire (outside the oven), just smoke. The moral of the story: DON'T DRINK AND BAKE.

ps. what is more alarming? same scenario last semester, different dude, at 4am. and it was raining.


Lane said...

Don't drink and bake!! That is one to live by. Hilarious. This is a great story--but isn't there another burning pizza story involving Corey and a fan?

jamieanne said...

Geez, and all these years I thought it was the driving after drinking that was hazardous. Obviously, MADD needs a new ad campaign for graduate college campuses!

ali said...

MADB: Mothers Against Drunk Baking.

I know, Jamie already beat me to it. At least it wasn't raining this time!

Sara said...

Sorry to hear about your pj party. Sounds like you guys are staying entertained!

Dansie Family said...

funny. max probably thought it was fun.

Ashley A. said...

Yes, Max was all excited about the fire trucks. That made getting back to bed even funner.

Corey did have an incident with burned pizza. I suggested he turn on the fan and went to inspect the situation a few minutes later only to find the oven door open, smoke streaming out, with an oscillating fan spreading the smoke.

I should have said "vent" not "fan" because he took me literally.