Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Oh Beautiful....Patriotic Jello Mold.....

Nothing says I have pride in my country like a patriotic jello mold! For the past two years I have celebrated the 4th of July with Lane (my sister) and each year we attempted to make a lovely, tri-color, patriotic jello mold. I say attempted because each year it has been a flop. When I say flop I mean at some point the layers slid apart and flopped into a patriotic mess. This is last year's attempt which was lovely until it slid apart during transit. I blame the Texan summer heat (not the cooks of course.) This is wishing you all a happy 4th full of BBQs, sparklers, fireworks, and a patriotic jello mold (if you are lucky). Go 'Merica!


Lane said...


Nothing says, "I'm a gourmet cook who appreciates my country" like a tri-color Jello mold.

Hint: Don't use too much hot water when removing jello from mold.

Another hint: Don't compete with Japanese when it comes to gelatin desserts. America is good, and has good jello, but not as good as the Japanese.

ali said...

What a beauty! (At least it was for a little while.)

jamieanne said...

I'm not gonna lie, that's one of the most elegant looking jello molds I've ever seen. Most of them look hideous.

celeste said...

It looks delicious (and I'm a little surprised by my own reaction)!

angie said...

wow - that takes talent!

Liz Stanley said...

i want to dig my face in it right now. mmmmmm....jello mold.... i too am surprised like my big sis