Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Spring Fever

If it doesn't seem strange to see people jogging in shorts then you're not in Boston. I wish I hadn't lost my mittens or I would be typing in them right now. The high today was 10 (but felt like -7) so when the temperature hit 57 on Saturday you can understand why Bostonians went through the roof. A frozen city came to life for a day. Everyone was out jogging, biking, and strolling around a still iced over river. That gleam isn't the sparkle of water, it's ice. It was just a tease though and now that we're back to single digits I can't stop thinking about spring and how I wish it would come already. Living in Austin spoiled me to winter so that's why we're going back, for spring break that is. We need some sunshine so we're headed back to Texas to charge our cells before we have to come back to the tundra. Austin, be good to us and greet us with your sunshine!


angie said...

The first time I went to Boston, the river was crammed with children taking sailing lessons...warm or cold, its picturesque.

ali said...

I'm with Angie. But I'd rather be looking at the river from the backseat of a cab than jogging alongside it in the cold.

Austin?! Fuuuuun. It will be happy to see you guys, especially Max.