Thursday, January 18, 2007

My Big 100

1. Halloween is my favorite holiday. 2. I am a night owl but am trying to change that. 3. I'm an ophidiophobe 'one who has an irrational fear of snakes.' 4. I kiss my baby's cheeks every chance I get. 5.I love long, hot showers. 6. Spring is my favorite season, but I love Autumn too. 7. I get cold easily. 8. I am terrible at corresponding and keeping in touch- funny it is one of my husband's greatest strengths. 9. My handwriting can look really good or really bad. 10. I make really good salads. 10. I'm so indecisive....its maddening! 11. I love watching TLC's 'What Not to Wear.' 12. I'm an okay cook but my husband prefers cereal & Mac N' Cheese. 13. Twizzlers or Red Vines? Red Vines all the way! 14. The best 2 weeks ever- Europe with Corey last year. 15. I am always a little bit afraid when I fly. 16. I like live plants; I often kill them though. 17. I love to travel. 18. I love strawberry shortcake (with real whipped cream). 19. I am continually growing out my hair and then chopping it off. 20. I love waking up to Max in the morning. 21. Pillow talk with Corey before we go to bed is the best part of the day. 22. I take out my contacts before I locate my glasses frequently. 23. I quit my job 6 months ago to be with Max. I miss my co-workers, not my job. 24. I am really good at Clue (the game). 25. I sometimes gag when cleaning the toilet. 26. I'm not good at Math. 27. I'm kind of wimpy...physically not emotionally. 28. I love to tickle Corey (pure glee). 29. I trust my instincts; when I don't, I regret it. 30. I believe Corey and I are an amazing match. 31. I prefer the West to the East. 32. I love back rubs and am constantly trying to talk Corey into taking massage therapy classes. 33. I like Mexican food a lot. 34. My finger nails grow at an alarming rate. 35. I am a slow reader. 36. I miss our little house in Austin- good beginnings. 37. I don't like too much attention. 38. I am pretty good at entertaining myself. 39. I like to dance, in a studio or at a party. 40. I think shoes say a lot about a person. 41. I'm afraid of heights. 42. Max giggling is the best sound in the universe. 43. I still wear a retainer- the permanent kind. 44. I am particular about almost everything. 45. I appreciate good design and prefer things that are understated. I believe they say the most. 46. I heart cheese. 47. There are very few pictures of myself that I like. 48. I almost always wear earrings. 49. I like getting a little bit scared. 50. My sisters are my closest friends but when you are friends with one of us you are usually friends with the whole family. We're tight. 51. I like to go out and stay in. 52. I love North Shore Hawaii. 53. I'm at war with Corey's heater fan. 54. My favorite color is blue. 55. When I get tired or angry I can be short and snappy. 56. I'm bad at parallel parking. 57. I'm soooo glad Corey doesn't watch sports. 58. I like being in nature but sleeping in my own bed. 59. I love fresh fruit. 60. Haribo twin cherries are one of my greatest discoveries. 61. I love shaved ice. 62. I still can't believe Max was inside of me- amazing. 63. I have a passion for passion fruit. 64. Utah summer nights are divine. 65. I love to sleep. 66. I love having my hair washed at the salon. 67. Home grown tomatoes are one of life's little pleasures. 68. I like my tea with a little cream. 69. Almost all the bottles in our medicine cabinets have my name on them. 70. I like to watch Max sleep. 71. I love to snuggle up in a soft blanket with a book. 72. Leaving the toilet seat up is a bug! 73. I can easily detect when people are insincere and it makes me uneasy. 74. Sometimes I can know exactly what Corey is thinking just by looking at him. 75. I'm pretty no nonsense. 76. I could have Italian gelato for every meal (and have). 77. I love the smell and feel of clean sheets. 78. I am constantly in need of chap stick. 79. I lament that my favorite pink heels Corey gave me are worn out. 80. Lately I am into bar soap. 81. I hold Max in my left arm. Consequently, my left shoulder is usually wet or has dry slobber mark. I don't mind though. 82. I would rather have a few nice things than lots of mediocre stuff. 83. I bite my lips terribly. 84. I had an awesome hippie stage in 8th grade- it was hot. 85. I sometimes have a hard time remembering where I know people from. 86. I'm gonzo about recycling. 87. My first car was a Buick, Park Avenue, navy blue. 88. I miss our Old Jeep. I loved riding in it and talking to Corey. It was a comfortable car. 89. I am often 10-15 minutes late. Not on purpose. 90. We often have a shoe collection under our coffee table. 91. My favorite part of grocery shopping is the produce section. 92. I love almost anything lime. 93. I mowed our lawn growing up. 94. Wool sweaters make me itchy. 95. I enjoy shopping in open air markets. 96. I hate Walmart but love Target. 97. I hang up decorative hand towels for each holiday or season, I think I get that from Pam. 98. Most of my friends I've had for a really long time. New ones are always welcome though. 99. I will eat fast food but don't like to eat at the fast food joint (except In n'Out). 100. I have very few enemies (that I know of).


ali said...

I remember that hippie stage vividly. You were sooo cool.

Things I already knew: You're a Red Vine girl, you like passion fruit, and you would eat gelato for every meal if you could.

Things I didn't know: Corey is ticklish?, you like the produce aisle the best and your favorite color is blue.

I think your only enemy might be the heater fan. I loved reading this. Max's slobber is always welcome on my shoulder, too, no matter what I'm wearing.

Ashley A. said...

Yes, Corey is ticklish. He acts like he's not and holds it in but after a few seconds he can't contain it and laughs uncontrollably- then I do too.

jamieanne said...

I can wholeheartedly vouch for the ophidiophobacy (?)...I've never seen anyone so fearsome of a 2 inch snake in my life!

You would pull out the Clue card! I think you are the self-proclaimed Clue champion of the West. Question is...can you conquer the East?

And you're really gonna have to fight Grant for the Twin Cherries...

jamieanne said...

The snake I am referring to in the previous comment is green and resides in Costa Rica...just in case you forgot which one I was referring to.
And I have pictures as proof of your phobia!

Lane said...

Welcome to the world of the self-obsessed.

I'm the single one, I thought I was supposed to be the most self-absorbed. Maybe I will get a blog going, if only I could find time to stop thinking about myself.

I forgot about that snake! This was funny to read, lots of them are also true of me: hate itchy sweaters, scared of heights, scared of snakes.

You win on wimpy, though :)

Ashley A. said...
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Ashley A. said...

Jamie, I knew which snake you were referring to. Maybe that snake rivaled a #2 pencil in size but as the guide told us, its extremely poisonous (aka deadly).

Lane, you want to talk about wimpiness? Remember when you took crash position when we hit turbulance over the Amazon? How about getting your BLOOD DRAWN? You probably just passed out reading it. Vagel vagel.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ash!

There is so much I related to in your "Big 100" especially about the one about being bad about keeping in touch. I've become terrible, but I'm trying to get better!!!! Now that I'm found you, I'm back and I love all of the pictures.

I just got introduced to blogs about and month ago and this is my first comment. I'm totally inspired and want to create my own, but considering I've yet to motivate to post any pictures from my digital camera EVER, I have a long ways to go in joining the tech world, kind of funny thinking that I work for a computer company.

Katie Brown (now Katie DuRocher)