Thursday, January 18, 2007

The beginning....kind of

I was trying to feel out this whole blog thing after being assaulted by my family to do so (and post recent pics of my baby son, Max) so I set up a "test run" for myself just to see how difficult and committed I would feel- just for myself. Well being the novice blogger that I am within hours of my beta blog I was discovered. Jamie, of course, was the first to catch me in my incognito efforts. You can't get much past that one but then Ali found me too. I guess I'm in whether or not I'm ready. So here it is the beginning of Darling Blue- and my life as a blogger. Wish me luck-

1 comment:

ali said...

A big cup of luck to you, my friend. I know you can do it! And I'm so very happy to have you join the ranks. At last, my life is complete. Bring on the baby boy!

p.s. I wasn't even the one that found you. My friend Lori did, and then told me about it. Someone other than myself is always telling me about my family's blogs. Huh.